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Expensive mobile data: how can operators save costs while maintaining high-quality digital service for customers?

Internet data can be expensive. It is a problem faced not just by individuals but also by transport operators. In order to ensure the usage of data on board is as efficient as possible, transport operators can implement various methods to save costs while not negatively impacting the quality of passenger`s travel experience.

Some of these methods are embedded directly into our infotainment solution. Let's have a look at them.


Locally saved infotainment content  


You are probably already familiar with our infotainment solution. It provides carriers with the necessary technology and software to show passengers information about their journey as well as a library of movies, audiobooks, and more. All this is stored onboard the train and made accessible through wi-fi. That way, items that would normally be downloaded by the train's internet gateway are merely transferred to passengers. This solution is cost efficient and also quicker given the inconsistent strength of internet connection along the train's path.




Geofencing is a method we employ to enable our clients to save data. By using several SIM cards in the internet gateway, the carrier can choose what SIM cards of which mobile network operator he wants to use. While crossing state borders or even regions, the gateway automatically switches between the different cards. Although geofencing is primarily used to ensure a strong internet connection throughout the course of a journey, it can also be utilized with respect to cost saving. 


Data limits 


Sometimes, the most straightforward solution is the only one available. Given the comparatively high cost of data in Central Europe, some carriers are forced to resort to putting limits on onboard data consumption in their trains. The reasons, however, are not limited to cost saving. In some regions, internet connection may be poor or impossible. Putting a limit on the volume of transferred data ensures equal distribution of internet connection among the passengers onboard.




An increasingly popular option for transport operators is monetization. By putting a price tag on the speed of internet connection onboard, they are able to partially or completely cover the cost of internet data. As with other services onboard, such as catering, monetizing internet connectivity is a welcomed solution for passengers who are willing to pay for more. It also means that carriers are able to distribute internet connection among passengers flexibly according to their needs.


Although balancing digital experience and cost-effectiveness can be both economically and technologically challenging, it's also necessary. Luckily, Passengera brings all of these options into one single solution and allows you to focus on providing the best service possible.